Time Tracking

What is time tracking?

Time tracking helps associations record the functioning of hourly representatives and guarantees those workers a fixed remuneration. It is a subcategory of time and participation, which is a wide term that commonly envelops time tracking just as different components like participation, time off, billable hours, and booking. 

Modern day HR softwares utilize a special identifier to check a worker in and out; time-tracking and overtime tracking capacities incorporated into a retail location framework frequently utilize a representative's first login and end-of-day logout as an approach to perform time section just as award framework access. In both electronic and manual frameworks, the times of day recorded by the framework are called timestamps, and the record of a representative's timestamps is kept in a timesheet. Endorsements are fundamental for an association to guarantee exactness and consistency in remuneration. For the most part, a supervisor will audit representatives' timesheets for the payroll interval to confirm that they are right, so, all things considered, HR or the product will compute the complete hours worked alongside any overtime hours.

Why is time tracking important ?

Improves Workflow

Tracking time helps in identifying problems and helps in making strategic plans to improve productivity for next time. Using the data collected over periods of time, self-studies can be conducted to understand time management skills and whether it is helping in reaching business goals, that is why time tracking is important.

Eliminates procrastinating

It is often tempting to leave work until the last minute and later work hard to finish the job. But what happens if it takes longer than expected or even worse, somehow compromise on the quality and boost productivity is made in order to meet the deadline. By tracking time not only procrastination can be avoided but also smarter decisions can be made. Time tracking is important because we are made aware of the fact that a timer is ticking and this alone will make us careful about wasting a single moment on unnecessary things.

Delegate right task at right time

It is hardly impossible for one person to accomplish all work single handedly. It therefore makes complete sense to delegate tasks according to specializations. A digital marketer can hire the services of a professional writer for all content he/she needs, similarly a UI/UX designer can be appointed to work specially on the look of the product.This will ensure the quality of the work, while staying true to the deadline.


The insights observed by time tracking and overtime tracking can often be an eye-opener. How much of your time do you spend browsing the web, looking through email inbox, or trying to find that one document in a pile of folders? These are often viewed as minor daily activities, but accumulated, they are probably some of the most time-consuming activities in your a week

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