Seasonal Employment

What is seasonal employment?

Seasonal employment is temporary job opportunities that recur around the same time every year. Businesses that primarily have more customers during specific seasons hire seasonal employees for extra hands during their peak times. 

How many hours do seasonal employees work?

Seasonal employment is mostly a part-time job opportunity, though some full-time positions are available. Depending on variables such as the employer, the location, and the time of the year, season employment may last for a span of a few weeks or continue for several months. 

What are the benefits of seasonal employment?

1. They are a beneficial stop-gap for unemployed individuals, helping them pay bills until they find a permanent job. 

2. Seasonal employment is also a good fit for people looking for income from a second job and which is being performed outside regular business hours.

3. Seasonal employment is a great opportunity for people to gain valuable experience, discover and prove their potential, and is a stepping stone to attaining a permanent job. 

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