What does it mean to be a salaried employee?
A salaried employee is one who receives a fixed amount of compensation regardless of the working hours. The salaried employees normally receive a pay check bi-weekly or monthly in regular intervals. Their income is often complemented by paid holidays, holidays, care and other benefits.
Who qualifies as a salaried employee?
Federal law states that employees who receive a predefined amount of money routinely do not receive qualitative or quantitative deductions. For example, an employee with a wage cannot be paid less than anticipated if he completes a project within less than expected hours.
Even though they work less hours, a salary worker is paid for 40 hours a week. In addition, the additional time and half pay for working more than 40 hours per week is not usually offered.
Benefits of a salaried employee
Improved safety at work: as employees receive a predetermined and fixed amount in every pay check, these positions provide an increased sense of safety at work.
Easier to get advantages: As an employee, you are more likely to receive employee benefits, particularly as a full-time employee. Health care, paid holidays and pension contributions can be included.
Higher employment status: Employees with higher employment and jobs appear to be more professional than hourly jobs. Senior employment status: As higher positions often have higher compensation; it can make your industry more marketable. This makes it easier for you to progress in your field.
Disadvantages of a salaried employee
No overtime: typically, as a wage employee you can't earn overtime pay. Although there are certain exceptions, as an hourly employee you are more able to receive overtime pay.
Working long hours: Employees who work for a wage must often complete their jobs no matter how many hours they work. Often without the additional pay, they need to work additional hours.
Unstable balance between work and life: As wage earners tend to work for long hours, they may have to work too late. This can then cut them into their personal lives and also affect employee wellbeing.
Can employers deduct pay of the salaried employees?
The following items can be deducted from the employee's paycheck by employers:
Personal absence: The absence may be related to the personal needs of the employee, including family needs, holidays, etc.
Absences of sick or disabled persons: the employer is responsible for sick days policy and deduction may be made either in advance or after exhaustion of a sick leave.
Accrued leave: If the employer gives sick/vacation/personnel leave, the accrued leave can be deducted.
Safety violations: An employer may deduct items such as smoking in a prohibited area, safety devices or disregard procedures.
Disciplinary suspension: Employers can deduct from performance or attendance violations of written rules.