What is Nepotism in the workplace?
Derived from the Italian word for nephew, ‘Nipote,’ nepotism in the workplace occurs when people in positions of power show favouritism at work, usually toward family and friends. The unfair advantage takes the form of better growth opportunities, better incentives, preferential treatment for promotion, and so on. In such cases, the decision-relationship maker's with the employee is more important than their skill and experience.
Nepotism in the workplace frequently manifests itself as a leader hiring or promoting someone based solely on favour rather than the individual's qualifications. Nepotism in the workplace can be difficult to address, especially if you are an employee who suspects a manager of such behaviour. If you believe a manager's decisions are biased, you should raise your concerns with your HR representative. To avoid nepotism, as a leader, you should strive to make decisions based on an individual's qualifications rather than your relationship with them. Giving friends or family with less experience or qualification is a nepotism example in the workplace.
What are the types of nepotism?
1. Reciprocal nepotism-
When a family member is hired and accepts the post based on factors including financial dependence, compensation, good family ties, and cultural norms, this is known as reciprocal nepotism. In this cultural norms refers to the fact that nepotism already prevails in the existing workplace.
2. Entitlement nepotism-
When the individual who is being treated well believes they are deserving of it simply because of their personal connections is known as entitlement nepotism. Entitlement and elitism go hand in hand, as does the notion that only a small segment of society possesses the inherent qualifications (quality, intellect, nobility, skills, intellect, etc.) to hold positions of authority.
What are the advantages of workplace Nepotism?
1. Leaving a legacy
A parent who has worked his entire career to pass on his company to his children is likely to view nepotism in the workplace favourably. After all, it was one of the things that inspired him to start his own business. If his children or other family members are interested in working for the company, they may see the advantages of nepotism.
2. Family unity
Employees from the same family who work for the same company spend time together. Even if they occasionally quarrel, working together toward a common goal can be a bonding experience. Working with a family member also allows you to see your relative in a new light and appreciate skills you may not have realised he possessed.

What are the disadvantages of Nepotism
1. Resentment among coworkers
Resentment among coworkers and job dissatisfaction is one of the drawbacks of workplace nepotism. Difficulties arise when a relative who has been unfairly promoted realises that her coworkers do not respect her. When other employees of an organisation realise that the system is unfair and that less talented people are hired solely on the basis of bloodline, resentment and anger can be directed at the person who was promoted through nepotism.
2. Potentially weak employees
When a family member is automatically promoted to a position of authority, the company may suffer. If there is someone who could do the job better and help the company more meaningfully, nepotism in the workplace can stifle growth. Worse yet, when a family member is truly bad at his job but keeps it because of his familial relationship. A string of bad hiring decisions will erode a company's ability to do business.
Nepotism examples in the workplace
Here are some nepotism examples in the workplace for better understanding;
Example 1:
Sarah works as a Product Manager at ABC Company. Her nephew, Andrew, is one of three people who report to her. When a promotion opportunity arose, Sara recommended Mark, who has less experience and knowledge than his peers.
Example 2:
When a job opening for an experienced software developer opens up in his company, Jack 'The Manager' writes a job description that matches his friend, Jill's experience and qualifications. As a result, when Jill applies for the position, she appears to be the ideal candidate.
Example 3:
Marc, the HR executive at ABC Company, desired that his friend Anthony be hired as a Business Analyst at his company. Because Marc is in charge of the interview process for this position, he informs Anthony ahead of time about all of the interview questions and assessment details. As a result, Anthony has an unfair advantage over the other candidates.
What is nepotism vs cronyism?
In nepotism vs cronyism, here is the difference. Nepotism in the workplace includes favouritism for family members and relatives in recruiting or promoting to higher positions, as well as appointing authority in some field. Cronyism, on the other hand, includes favouritism for friends or friends' relatives in recruiting or promoting to higher positions and delegating authority in some field. In nepotism vs cronyism political and organizational benefits remain the same.