GROW Coaching Model

What is the GROW model?

The GROW Coaching Model is a four-step process for organizing learning and development sessions for an organization's team members. It is also defined as a coaching structure for unlocking capability and opportunities in discussions, conferences, and everyday leadership.  

Sir John Whitmore and his colleagues founded GROW in the late 1980s. Grow coaching model exercises has subsequently become the most widely used problem-solving, goal-setting, and performance-improvement tools.  

How does GROW model work?

GROW is an abbreviation for Goal, Reality, Options and Way forward, also known as the four components of the GROW coaching model.


Identifying the training’s aim is the first stage in the GROW coaching model for coaching. This comprises both long-term and short-term goals. The following are the common grow model questions that help achieve clarity in terms of setting these goals:  

  1. What would you like to improve/work upon?  
  1. What is your goal related to this issue?  
  1. How will you measure your goals?  
  1. How will you evaluate if the issue has been solved?  
  1. What are the benefits in achieving this goal?


The next step of the grow model is to assess and describe the current situation or reality. Once there’s a comprehensive overview of the goal, evaluating reality gives you an idea of how far you are from achieving the goal. This stage entails inquisitive and rounded thinking as well as questioning.  

The following are the common grow model questions that help achieve clarity in terms of reality:  

  1. What steps have you taken so far to achieve the goal?  
  1. What motivates you to walk towards your goal?


The third step in the GROW coaching methodology is to develop ideas and alternatives that lead you towards the goal. It enables the possibilities of actions that will most effectively take a step ahead towards the goal.  

The GROW model's third stage assists leaders in determining how to bridge the gap between reality and their desired roadmap towards the goal. The following are the common grow coaching model questions that help achieve clarity in terms of exploring your options:  

  1. What are the different choices to achieve the goal?  
  1. What are the major benefits and drawbacks of each option?  
  1. What skills and abilities do you possess that will assist you to reach the goal?  
  1. What other options can you consider to achieve them?

Way Forward

The selection of one option is the fourth and final step of the GROW coaching model. The final step is to encourage oneself to commit to the specific activities that will help achieve the goal. At this point, as a coach, one’s job is to help gain true clarity about their precise next steps and commit to them. This is then turned into a detailed action plan.  

The coach's incentive to stick to the plan is therefore increased. The following are the common grow model questions that help achieve clarity in terms of determining your way forward.  

  1. Which of the options will you choose to pursue?  
  1. When do you intend to begin each action?  
  1. How dedicated are you to accomplishing this goal?  
  1. What method do you wish to use to hold yourself accountable for this goal?  
  1. What's the worst that could happen if you don't take action? How will you deal with this?  
  1. How will you evaluate your progress?


The GROW coaching model's strength is that it follows a four-phase process that leads to a strongly outlined ultimate result. The coach takes an active role in recognizing problems and coming up with solutions. This implies that whatever comes out of the coaching session has a good chance of lasting.

The GROW model exercises emphasizes learning via experience, including introspection, insight, decision-making, and action. The client's time and energy committed in the process determines the effectiveness of a coaching journey using the GROW coaching model.

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