Resilience in adversity - We all wish we are strong enough to not lose it at this time of the pandemic right? The organizations we own, ones we work in, ones we are committed to, what's the future there? The big question, what about our people? Can we let go of them at this unfortunate time, or how do we even manage a remote team?
As an organization, we have the question of “How do we manage people? Especially at this time of uncertainty, we need people to stay and communicate and collaborate right? Let’s talk about technology. Now, what do we choose? Have you read what the experts have to say?
Jason Averbook
I’m gonna think about the experiences that I provide to the workforce. The Core HCM solution is going to be the foundation. It’s going to be the heart of this. How we then take the data from that heart and push it out to people and make sure that it’s an experience. What we’re worried about is are they addicted to it? We’re shifting from adoption to addiction. And if they’re addicted to it, they’re going to go to it for everything. Just like we got our phones for everything. They’re gonna go to this place. It’s gonna make them a better employee. And drive better results for the business. So I truly think the future human capital management system is really about employee relationships. We probably end up shifting the name sometimes from Human capital Management to employer relationship management.
William Tincup has the step by step process here.
William Tincup
The first thing you do is really simple, you look at your own priorities and say, what are we solving for? And so what’s the most important thing that we’re solving for? And then as you evaluate technologies, you only evaluate the things that you really need, not necessarily what other people are doing, not necessarily what other people are trying to sell you but what is the real need that you have and evaluating technology, and you’re right, there’s a lot of options. So looking out of one of the things I tell folks to do is to always talk to your peers. So the first thing I would do is just talk to a couple of your peers and say, ‘We’re looking at a new LMS. What experiences have you had good, bad, or otherwise? But what other? What other experiences have you had?’ Then they can shed some light. Great. Then go and look at rating sites.
Now, that’s a process, isn’t it? Let’s see what Jason Averbook has to say about his vision for HCM systems.
Jason Averbook
So, you know my vision of human capital management systems has changed over the last decade drastically because of the outside world. Originally we just wanted to make sure we had data, you know, as HR people, we just wanted to make sure we had good data and hopefully, we could use it for something. And what happened over time, as we realized the only way to get good data was to involve people. We need to make sure that people are using tools, they’re engaged in journeys to create the data that I need to make decisions. So when we think about what that means to the future, the future is we stop designing processes for HR people. We start designing journeys for employees and managers.
Interesting, right?
The simple answer to a lot of questions is people, but we need leaders! And guess what, leaders are having a tough time now. I mean, it is hard to be resilient at a time like this! Resilience in adversity is something we wish for.
The policies for the pandemic period are here to stay or not?
A remotely working team? John Baldoni thinks we need to rephrase.
John Baldoni
I used to say that the human way as humans are not wired to look at video screens, Okay, we crave human contact. We want to see humans, and we need the contact of, you know, people together. I think that will continue, but I think we will use technology in ways that make our lives easier, which is what technology is all about. So instead of calling everyone together for a meeting, let’s just do it as a quick Web chat and it’ll, I think, instead of wasting time will be more to the point and will be more specific.
So I think we’ll integrate this more into what we’re talking about. And I think some organizations will find that their employees work better, virtually so they will keep them virtual. And that has to be a mutual decision because a person who wants to go to the office should, if the possibility exists, we should allow them to. But if a person wants the flexibility of working virtually, let’s let them.
And here’s my little thing about this, you know, we used, we do use the term remote workers remote. I don’t like that term. Remote means isolated and off the chart. Let’s use the term virtual, and that implies mutuality. It works for you, and it works for me.
Collaboration includes a little over-communicating. You need to collaborate to work things out, even if you’re working virtually. Gordon Tredgold shared his thoughts. One way to have resilience in the face of adversity, yeah?
Gordon Tredgold
One plus one equals three when you get great collaboration, if we don’t have the right tools, we’re just gonna be stuck with one plus one equals two, maybe even 1.5. Now there’s a bigger distance between the people and you’ve got to be able to close that gap. the fact that we’re often thousands of miles away, on different time-zones, I think it’s more difficult to over-communicate now. Under communicating? Dead easy. Over Communicating? not so much.
Now, what if we have bots that can talk to us? Will it help? William Tincup thinks so but for a different scenario.
William Tincup
First of all, you can’t and you shouldn’t take the human experience out of recruiting. And as recruiters and hiring managers, there’s going to be a human element. But where bots, machine learning, and AI, all can help, is making things more efficient for both parties. So like a bot can ask, just as a recruiter would ask, all of the clarifying questions that are important to the hiring manager, into the role description, into the job description. And they can also flip that for the experience for the candidate, they can answer a bunch of questions.
So a candidate does ask all kinds of crazy questions. “You know who’s my boss? What are they like? Is it a big team? It is a small team,” As a candidate can ask all those questions and the bot can answer those questions as well. And what’s great is if the person’s not qualified, If the candidate is not qualified, you can actually experience at that point that the bot can then say, “Listen, based on everything you’ve told me, you’re not qualified for this position, and because of this, the hiring manager watched out of your 10 years of experience, five different bespoke, if you will, are different experiences within those 10 years, and it sounds like you’ve been doing in that 10 years the same front end development, which is fantastic.
They’re not replacing jobs. They aren’t replacing recruiters. If anything, they’re actually helping recruiters to become more efficient with highly qualified candidates. Using bots, Machine learning, AI, using these types of technologies to help candidates have a better experience and also create efficiency for yourself so that you can go deeper. One bad hire can ruin a team.
That last sentence, that means a lot, right? We have a stranded leader situation here. So, let’s talk about critical feedback. Gordon has some thoughts.
Gordon Tredgold
I could see you’re wearing a green top. If I didn’t think that was a good color for you, I could say to you, by the way, I don’t think green’s a good color for you. That’s feedback. Or what I could say is, you know what I always think when you wear blue, it really looks amazing. So give people feedforward, give them things that they can do, tell them how to be better. Tell them what they could do to improve performance. Whereas when we give feedback, it’s backward-looking as a negative connotation. So think about the forward. It has to be supportive. If it doesn’t give people guidance on how to be better, then you’re just being negative. You’re just being critical. And criticism is not an engaging and motivating factor. Coaching is more of it, encouraging is more of it, empowering is more of it, so we’ve got to be thinking, feed-forward. This is what we can do to make it better next time. We have to do that whenever we have an opportunity to do that, we should take the opportunity to do it, and it has to be done from a position.
Communication is key. Let’s see how John Baldoni would go about it.

John Baldoni says,
I think if you’re a boss, you have to be more plan-full. You have to know that at 10 o’clock I’m going to have a video chat with, say, you or my team. So I’m gonna think about what I’m going to say before I get on the call, whereas before, a boss might just walk into the meeting and start talking or chat or whatever. And if I say to you, how things are going? and you kind of look down and you go, Well, they’re fine. And then I ask someone else, and he does the same thing. I’m knowing, I’m not getting the straight truth, something they might say. Everything’s okay. But I have to look at myself and I’ll say, “ What kind of message am I sending? Am I aloof? Are you afraid of me? because I’m your boss. So afraid, I mean, are you? You don’t want to tell me the straight truth. And if I’m the boss running our team, working in our company, that’s the problem. That’s a problem. So I think by speaking, listening and observing more plan fully, I think we can do a better job.