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The ultimate new hire training checklist
Employee Centricity

The ultimate new hire training checklist

Palak Jamuar
April 9, 2024

Did you know that a robust onboarding process can boost new hire retention by an astounding 82% and supercharge productivity by over 70%? An effective new hire training process is crucial, not just for the individual's growth but also for the organization's success. A well-structured  onboarding experience can significantly impact employee retention and productivity, setting the stage for a mutually beneficial relationship. For leaders seeking to drive change, we’ve put together a simple checklist to guide you through the onboarding process.

What are the 5 C's of new hire onboarding?

1. Compliance: Educating new hires on company rules, policies, legal standards and workplace equality.

2. Clarification: Ensuring employees are aware of their job responsibilities and expectations.

3. Culture: Introducing the oragnization’s values and goals to attract and retain talent.

4. Connections: Building relationships between new hires, their teammates, and senior leadership.

5. Check back: Continuously assessing new employees' performances, especially during their initial months.

What are the steps of new hire onboarding?

1. Preparation phase

Before the new hire's first day, it's essential to complete administrative tasks: finalizing paperwork, setting up workstations, and scheduling introductory meetings. Additionally, schedule introductory meetings and outline a detailed agenda for the first day and week. This thorough preparation, as Gallup highlights, is not just a procedural formality but a strategic move, significantly enhancing employee retention by 82% and boosting productivity by over 70%.

2. Pre-boarding stage

This phase helps ease first-day nerves and enhances engagement. This involves connecting with the new hire to understand their expectations and confirming the completion of necessary formalities. During this stage, new hires are given clear instructions on who to report to, ensuring all their paperwork and work equipment are in order. They also receive an overview of the company's culture, benefits, and policies, offering them a clear insight into the organization's values and environment.

3. First-day activities

The first day of a new hire marks a significant milestone. It starts with introducing them to their team and letting everyone in the company know they've joined. Making sure they have all their work tools ready and helping them set up is also key. Pairing them with a mentor or an onboarding buddy is a great way to make them feel supported and welcome right from the start. Creating this friendly and helpful atmosphere is essential for a good first impression.

4. First week goals

In the first week, spacing out onboarding tasks is key to a successful start. Work with the manager to create a clear 30-60-90 day plan, giving the new hire a roadmap for their initial months. Assigning them their first task or project right away helps them dive into their role. It's also crucial to go over company policies, legal requirements, and HR procedures to ensure they're informed and on track. Providing them with training materials for any tools and software they'll be using is essential. Setting up meetings with their colleagues for networking helps them integrate into the team. The first week is critical; 86% of new hires make their stay-or-leave decision within the first six months, according to the Aberdeen Group's survey.

5. 30-60-90 day plan

In the first 90 days, keeping a close eye on the new employee's progress is key. Regularly reviewing their 30-60-90 day plan ensures they're on the right track. Providing tailored training specific to their role and the company is essential for their development. Encouraging them to network and collaborate with colleagues not only builds relationships but also integrates them into the team. Additionally, crafting a long-term professional development plan sets them up for ongoing growth and success. This approach is instrumental in quickly boosting the new hire’s productivity, a vital step in their journey with the company.

6. Six months check-in

At the six month mark, a pivotal check-in is due. Evaluate the new hire’s progress with their development plan. Are they meeting their goals? Identify any new skills they need and update the plan accordingly. If there are gaps, arrange additional training. Keep encouraging them to network and provide access to necessary resources. Also, gather their feedback on the onboarding process. This is more than just a routine review; it’s a vital checkpoint to ensure they are fully integrated and performing at their best. This step is key to solidifying their place and success within the company.

Wrapping up...

In conclusion, a comprehensive onboarding process, as outlined in these steps, is instrumental in fostering a productive and satisfying work environment for new hires. From initial preparation to the six-month check-in, each phase plays a critical role in ensuring the new employee's successful integration into the company. By meticulously following this checklist, organizations not only enhance employee retention and productivity but also build a strong foundation for long-term success and a positive workplace culture.

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