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How AI is making the employee experience better than ever
Artificial Intelligence

How AI is making the employee experience better than ever

Cynthia Trivella
May 7, 2024

If you’re in HR, you’ve undoubtedly heard two buzzwords as much or more than any others in the past few years: AI and employee experience.

They’re topics we often link to automation — after all, the employee experience is a lot better when you’re freed from tedious, repetitive processes. But AI is actually making employee experience better in other ways that are often overlooked.

We spoke with two leading AI experts about a few ways AI is making employee experience better than ever.

AI Is helping Improve Employee Experience

Let’s consider employee journey for a moment. A large part of the focus centers on creating a more “consumerized” approach to the relationship between employee and employer — essentially to treat the employee like a customer and focus on employees like you do with customer satisfaction. Employees are also looking to bring their most authentic selves to remote work and meaningful work environment. The days of being a different person at home and at the office are over.

In order to bridge this gap between our professional and public selves, organizations have begun to think about the way employees use technology, mirroring the way we use it at home. Many of us are used to talking to Siri or Alexa, and organizations are in the process of embracing voice-powered AI to create a better employee engagement and employee experience. “This is becoming very mainstream,” says Emily He, senior vice president of marketing, human capital management, at Oracle. “People want to use a conversational style to engage with their application.”

In terms of automation, voice interfaces will provide the same convenience they do for us when we want to hear “Despacito” — except that now employees stay and can use voice to assist with tasks that have a bit more import. For example, “Expense reports approval is a really cumbersome process,” He says. “Now, with the AI app, I can say, ‘Approve all expense reports below a certain amount.’ ”

AI Is Driving Internal Talent Mobility

Jeanne Meister is the founder of Future Workpace, an HR research and advisory firm that offers a popular course, AI 4 HR. She says that AI will be a massive boon for internal talent mobility. “Companies are doing everything they can to keep the people they have,” she says.

Meister says organizations have begun to have employees create what is essentially an internal LinkedIn profile. In these profiles, employees can share personal information, credentials and other relevant information that allows AI to match them with potential promotions. “Sometimes it’s jobs that the individual may not have thought about themselves,” she says. “This boosts employee working from home or inside the company the opportunity to understand how their skills plus their aspirations can lead to a new internal position in the company culture.”

And if an employee isn’t quite ready for a new position? The AI has the ability to recommend courses and training programs, bringing a more personalized form of talent development to the great employee experience, Meister says.

AI Is Streamlining and Improving the Hiring Process

It’s important to remember that making positive employee experience better always begins with the candidate experience.

Many organizations have begun to use chatbots as part of recruiting, and they’re beginning to see results. Both He and Meister point to Hilton’s success in this area. The hotel chain began using chatbots in 2015, and the program has shown marked results, Meister says. “They have increased their net promoter score for the candidate experience to 80%” — and also increased the diversity of the talent pool, she says.

Most impressive, though, is how chatbots have sped up Hilton’s recruiting process, she says. “Their recruiters are offering 85 more jobs per week than they were previously,” Meister says.

About the author

Cynthia Trivella is the Managing Partner at TalentCulture . She has over 20 years' experience within the field of HR Communications, Talent Sourcing Strategies and Employment Branding using industry's best practices for attracting and retaining A-Level Talent candidates. She seeks to leverage her technical and marketing expertise to successfully develop and implement short- and long-term employee internal communication plans and processes that increase engagement and employee satisfaction, all tied into the employer/employment brand within organizations of all sizes.

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