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Lateral Hiring: What It Is and Why It Matters

Lateral Hiring: What It Is and Why It Matters

August 2, 2024

In today's competitive job market, lateral hiring has become a critical strategy for organizations aiming to enhance their workforce with experienced professionals. Unlike traditional hiring, which focuses on entry-level positions, lateral hiring involves recruiting individuals who are already seasoned in their respective fields. This approach not only brings fresh perspectives and expertise but also accelerates the growth and innovation of a company. In this article, we will explore the concept of lateral hiring, its benefits, challenges, and best practices to implement it effectively.

What is Lateral Hiring?

Lateral hiring refers to the process of recruiting experienced professionals from other organizations or sectors, who possess the skills and expertise needed for specific roles within a company. According to LinkedIn, 30% of job seekers apply for lateral positions, and companies that engage in lateral hiring can see up to a 25% increase in productivity. These hires typically join at the same level or higher than their previous positions, bringing valuable insights and experience to their new roles, which can significantly enhance team performance and drive innovation.

Benefits of Lateral Hiring

1. Immediate Impact

Lateral hires can start contributing to projects and initiatives immediately, reducing the learning curve associated with new hires. Their existing expertise allows them to hit the ground running, making them valuable assets from day one.

2. Fresh Perspectives

 Bringing in individuals from different backgrounds and industries can introduce new ideas and innovative solutions to existing problems. This diversity of thought can lead to creative approaches that might not emerge from a more homogenous team.

3. Skill Enhancement

 Lateral hiring allows organizations to fill skill gaps quickly, ensuring that the team has the necessary expertise to meet current and future challenges. This can be especially crucial in fast-paced industries where the demand for specialized skills is high.

4. Network Expansion

 Experienced professionals often come with established networks, which can be beneficial for business development and partnership opportunities. These connections can open doors to new collaborations and market insights.

5. Competitive Advantage

 Having a diverse and skilled workforce gives companies an edge over competitors, enabling them to adapt to market changes more effectively. Lateral hires can bring in best practices from other organizations, further enhancing the company's competitive position.

Challenges of Lateral Hiring

1. Cultural Fit

Ensuring that lateral hires align with the company's culture and values can be challenging, as they may have different work habits and expectations. Misalignment in this area can lead to friction and dissatisfaction. A study by the Corporate Leadership Council found that 20% of new hires leave within the first 45 days due to poor cultural fit. To mitigate this risk, organizations should conduct thorough cultural fit assessments during the interview process and offer cultural orientation programs during onboarding.

2. Team Integration

Integrating new hires into existing teams requires careful planning and support to avoid disruption and ensure smooth collaboration. This involves not only technical onboarding but also social integration. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 69% of employees are more likely to stay with a company for three years if they experience great onboarding. Establishing mentorship programs and team-building activities can facilitate smoother integration and foster a sense of belonging among lateral hires.

3. Compensation Disparities

Offering competitive salaries and benefits to attract top talent can lead to discrepancies within the organization, affecting morale. It's important to balance competitive offers with internal equity. A report by PayScale indicates that pay inequity can decrease employee engagement by 50%. Transparent compensation policies and regular salary audits can help ensure fairness and maintain morale.

4. Retention Challenges

Retaining lateral hires can be difficult if they do not see opportunities for growth and advancement within the company. Providing clear career paths and development opportunities is essential to keep them engaged. According to LinkedIn's 2020 Global Talent Trends report, 94% of employees would stay longer at a company if it invested in their career development. Implementing continuous professional development programs and offering regular performance feedback can enhance retention rates and ensure lateral hires feel valued and supported.

Best Practices for Effective Lateral Hiring

1. Define Clear Objectives : Understand the specific skills and expertise needed for the role and set clear objectives for the hiring process.

2. Leverage Networks : Utilize professional networks, industry associations, and recruitment agencies to identify potential candidates.

3. Thorough Screening: Conduct comprehensive interviews and assessments to evaluate candidates' skills, experience, and cultural fit.

4. Competitive Compensation: Offer attractive compensation packages that reflect the value of the skills and experience the candidates bring.

5. Onboarding Support: Provide robust onboarding programs to help lateral hires acclimate to the company culture and processes.

6. Continuous Engagement : Maintain regular communication and provide opportunities for lateral hires to contribute to strategic initiatives and professional development.


Lateral hiring is a powerful strategy for organizations seeking to enhance their workforce with experienced professionals. By bringing in fresh perspectives, specialized skills, and extensive networks, lateral hires can drive innovation and growth. However, to fully leverage the benefits of lateral hiring, it is essential to address the challenges associated with cultural fit, integration, and retention. A robust learning management system (LMS) can play a crucial role in this process. By providing tailored onboarding programs, continuous learning opportunities, and seamless integration support, an LMS ensures that lateral hires are effectively assimilated into the company culture and can contribute to achieving a dynamic and skilled workforce. By following best practices and focusing on clear objectives, organizations can successfully implement lateral hiring with the help of a comprehensive LMS.


1. What is the difference between lateral hiring and traditional hiring?

Lateral hiring focuses on recruiting experienced professionals for specific roles, while traditional hiring often targets entry-level positions.

2. How can companies ensure a good cultural fit with lateral hires?

Companies can ensure a good cultural fit by conducting thorough interviews and assessments, and by providing comprehensive onboarding support.

3. What are some common challenges of lateral hiring?

Common challenges include ensuring cultural fit, integrating new hires into existing teams, managing compensation disparities, and retaining lateral hires.

4. How can lateral hiring benefit small businesses?

Lateral hiring can benefit small businesses by bringing in specialized skills and expertise, helping them to compete with larger organizations.

5. What are the best practices for retaining lateral hires?

Best practices for retaining lateral hires include offering opportunities for growth and advancement, maintaining regular communication, and providing continuous engagement and support.

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