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30 GIFs that perfectly describe the life of an HR manager
HR Trends

30 GIFs that perfectly describe the life of an HR manager

Sharon Monteiro
April 30, 2024

Ever wondered what a typical day looked like in the life of an HR manager? The thought may or may not have crossed your mind, but rest assured, every HR professional's work day comes with its frustrations and its triumphs.

Here are 30 hilarious GIFs that perfectly capture the essence of the life of an HR professional.

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GIFs that perfectly describe the life of an HR manager

1. When you have 200 job applications to review.

life of an HR manager

2. When you try to find the balance between the candidate’s profile and the job requirements.

life of an HR manager

3. When you schedule 9 am interviews on a Monday

life of an HR manager

4. When a candidate presents pertinent skills in their resume such as “ultimate pie-frisbee champion,” and “sleeping with their eyes open.”

life of an HR manager

5. When the candidate actually shows up after accepting the job offer

life of an HR manager

6. When you’re onboarding the new hire

life of an HR manager

7. When you’ve finally perfected your HR strategy for next year but your CEO decides on a shift in perspective.

life of an HR manager

8. When you try to get managers to use a new tool.

life of an HR manager

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9. When you try to balance the expectations of management and the needs of employees

life of an HR manager

10. Requesting your manager to approve the HR budget

life of an HR manager

11. When you prep all week for an employee training session.

life of an HR manager

12. And they utilize it as a chance to go for their “important meeting.”

life of an HR manager

13. When you decide to implement a training & development program

life of an HR manager

14. How you feel after 5 months on the job

life of an HR manager

15. When you give advice to someone considering a career in HR.

life of an HR manager

16. When you have to develop a strategy to improve employee retention.

life of an HR manager

17. And the boss suggests to “Pay them more money and leave it at that.”

life of an HR manager

18. When an employee hasn’t dropped in with a query for the past five minutes.

life of an HR manager

19. When you attend an HR conference and finally meet your tribe.

life of an HR manager

20. When you try to convince senior management about involving HR in the business planning process.

life of an HR manager

21. And when senior management attempts to take on the role of HR.

life of an HR manager

22. When you have to manage hiring demands, administrative work, employee engagement & performance, management demands, and keep up with HR compliance.

life of HR manager

23. And your boss says you don’t really need an HCM system when you’re already so efficient.

life of an HR manager

24. When you're asked to use Microsoft Excel to manage employee data

the life of an HR manager

25. And when you finally get your hands on Big Data and HR automation.

life of an HR manager

26. When someone asks you, “What Does HR Actually Do?”

life of an HR manager

27. When you try to get THAT employee more involved in office celebrations.

life of an HR manager

28. When the company holiday party starts to get out of hand.

life of an HR manager

29. Trying to keep up with the changes in HR Compliance.

life of an HR manager

30. When you try to explain employee engagement to managers.

life of an HR manager
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