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Compensating the workforce of 2024
Employee Centricity

Compensating the workforce of 2024

Pearl Remedios
May 23, 2024

In today's connected world, thanks to the internet, we're seeing more idea sharing, global job opportunities, and innovation on the rise. At the center of it all lies technology. With a boom in cloud computing as well as artificial intelligence, there has been a shift in how human resources is using software and platforms to perform tasks. One of the prime examples is integrating banking and software that makes giving out wages or salaries completely automated. 

Employee compensation strategies in 2024

Let’s talk about pay and navigate how employers can compensate their workforce in 2024. There are two routes of compensation that an employer can use – One is direct compensation and the other is indirect compensation. Direct is when an employee is compensated financially, thus it is seen as a direct grant of income. Indirect compensation is where an employer offers non-financial benefits to the employee as compensation for their term of employment. 

Read along as we illuminate each avenue of compensation:

Direct compensation

1. Base pay

Base pay is the fixed amount employees regularly receive for their work, determined by factors like role and experience. It forms the foundation of their compensation excluding bonuses. HR professionals must ensure base pay is competitive to attract and retain talent that serve as a starting point for compensation discussions.

2. Overtime pay (OT)

Overtime pay is when your employer gives you extra compensation for working beyond regular hours. It rewards employees for their additional effort and is essential for HR to manage fairly and comply with labor laws.

3. Variable compensation

Variable compensation is the part of an employee's pay that fluctuates based on performance metrics or other criteria. It includes bonuses, commissions, profit sharing or stock options. HR manages variable compensation to align incentives with organizational goals, motivate employees and drive business success.

4. Sales compensation

Sales compensation rewards salespeople for their performance typically through a mix of base salary and commission or bonuses. HR professionals design these plans to motivate sales teams and align with company goals, driving business growth.

Indirect compensation

1. Stocks & equity

Equity in a compensation package means giving employees a stake in the company, usually through stock shares or the option to buy them. This is often seen in start-ups, where cash may be tight. Thus, offering ownership can be a powerful way to attract and keep talent.

2. Health insurance

Health insurance is like a safety net for employees' medical expenses. It helps cover the costs of doctor visits, prescriptions, hospital stays and other healthcare services. With health insurance, employees can focus on their work knowing that they and their families are protected if they ever face health issues.

3. Life insurance

Life insurance provides financial security to employees' loved ones in the unfortunate event of their death. It ensures that their family members receive a lump sum payment, called a death benefit, which can help cover funeral expenses, pay off debts, and maintain their standard of living.

4. Retirement plans

Retirement plans help employees save for their future and ensure they have enough money to live comfortably after they stop working. These plans, such as 401(k)s or pension plans, allow employees to contribute a portion of their paycheck into a retirement account, often with the added benefit of employer contributions or matching funds.

5. Disability insurance

Disability insurance provides income replacement if employees are unable to work due to a disability or injury. It helps cover their expenses, such as mortgage or rent, utilities and groceries while they focus on recovering and getting back to work.

6. Legal insurance

Legal insurance offers employees access to legal services for a variety of personal legal matters such as drafting a will, dealing with landlord-tenant disputes or resolving family law issues. It gives employees peace of mind knowing they have legal support when they need it.

7. Pet insurance

Pet insurance helps employees cover the costs of veterinary care for their furry companions. It can help offset expenses for routine check-ups, vaccinations and unexpected medical emergencies, ensuring that pets receive the care they need without causing financial strain on their owners.

8. Paid leave

Paid leave provides employees with time off while still receiving their regular pay. HR professionals manage policies and procedures for requesting and approving leave, promoting work-life balance and supporting employee well-being. It shows employees that their employer values their health, happiness and personal responsibilities, leading to higher job satisfaction and retention rates.

9. Unpaid leave

Managing unpaid leave involves establishing policies and procedures for requesting and approving time off, tracking employees' leave balances and ensuring compliance with labor laws and company policies. While unpaid leave doesn't provide immediate financial support, it offers flexibility and support for employees' personal needs and circumstances contributing to a positive and accommodating workplace culture.

10. Flexi-time

Managing flexi-time involves establishing guidelines and policies that outline the core hours when employees must be present, also allowing flexibility for their punch-ins and punch-out timings. It requires clear communication and trust between employees and their managers to ensure that work gets done effectively, regardless of when it's performed. Flexi-time can improve employee satisfaction, productivity and retention, making it a valuable tool for enhancing workplace culture and flexibility.

11. Learning opportunities

Providing learning opportunities is about investing in the growth and development of employees. It helps them stay engaged, motivated and adaptable in a rapidly changing work environment. By offering a variety of learning options, HR professionals can support employees' career advancement and contribute to the overall success of the organization.

12. Parental leave

Parental leave involves establishing policies and procedures that outline the eligibility criteria, duration, and benefits available to employees who become parents. It's about supporting employees through this important life transition and ensuring they have the time and resources they need to care for their growing family while maintaining job security. Providing parental leave can boost employee morale, loyalty, and retention, fostering a family-friendly workplace culture.

13. Child care

Offering child care benefits is about recognizing the challenges that working parents face in balancing their career and family responsibilities. By providing assistance with child care expenses, employers can help alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with raising children making it easier for employees to focus on their work knowing well that their children are being tended to in their absence.

14. Company cars

Company car benefits are a special perk where the employer provides a vehicle for the employee's use, both for work-related and personal travel. HR professionals manage eligibility, usage guidelines, and maintenance responsibilities, using this benefit to attract and retain talent while enhancing employee satisfaction and productivity.

15. Phones & laptops

Offering company phones and laptops is about empowering employees to work flexibly and securely while also ensuring they have the technology they need to perform their roles effectively. It's a way for employers to invest in their employees' success and provide them with the tools they need to stay competitive in today's fast-paced business environment.

16. Meals

​​Managing company meal benefits involves planning and coordinating meals, considering dietary restrictions and preferences, and ensuring that everyone feels included and valued. It's an opportunity for HR professionals to reinforce the organization's culture and values while also promoting employee well-being and engagement.


HR leaders are pivotal in articulating the comprehensive value of the organization's offerings to its employees. While addressing questions surrounding compensation and benefits may present challenges, the ultimate reward is the development of a competitive and equitable strategy that will serve as a guiding light for the organization in the years ahead. When HR effectively communicates the full scope of what the organization provides, employees feel valued, engaged and motivated to contribute to the organization's success.

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