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How employee journey mapping can help you build a high-performance company culture
Performance Management

How employee journey mapping can help you build a high-performance company culture

Pearl Remedios
May 14, 2024


Is your company's turnover rate a symptom of deeper cultural issues? 

Your company culture significantly impacts employee engagement. Robust cultures correlate with up to 72% higher engagement, resulting in increased productivity. Conversely, poor cultures lead to disengagement with research showing an 18% decline in productivity. Investing in a supportive culture yields tangible returns with engaged teams achieving 21% greater profitability. Understanding the impact of every departure, company culture emerges as a key factor in the journey of our employees. 

When our culture embodies empathy, support and genuine concern, it provides stability amid life's ups and downs. By cultivating a culture that cares about the well-being and dreams of our team, we not only retain talent but also foster a sense of belonging and fulfillment that extends beyond the workplace.

What’s the correlation between employee journey mapping and a high-performance company culture?

Employee journey mapping is charting a course that traces every step of your employees' experiences from their first interaction with your company to their departure. Through this process, you gain a better idea of their challenges and wins along the way. By identifying moments where they may feel overwhelmed, uncertain or unsupported, you can take proactive steps to provide the guidance and resources they need to thrive. Whether it's streamlining processes, enhancing communication channels or offering additional support, employee journey mapping allows you to create a workplace where every individual feels valued, heard and empowered to reach their full potential. In cultivating this culture of empathy and support, you not only enhance employee satisfaction but also drive greater performance and success for the organization as a whole.

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How to achieve retention through employee mapping

Sketching out an employee's journey from their first day to their last is more like creating a roadmap to understand their experiences and where improvements might be needed to keep them engaged and onboard. Here's how to do it:

Know your employees

Think of your employees as templates for different roles in your company. By focusing on the unique aspects of each role, like their responsibilities and skills, you can ensure your culture supports everyone effectively.

Map out their journey

For each persona, map out their journey stage by stage, from recruitment to departure. This helps you identify areas where your culture is thriving and areas where it could use some adjustments to keep employees happy and committed.

Regular check-ins 

Stay in touch with employees throughout their journey to gauge how they're feeling. This helps you address any issues early on and shows your dedication to their well-being, which is essential for a strong company culture.

Track productivity via goals

Work with your team to set goals for each stage of the journey and monitor your progress. By aligning your goals with your culture, you can create an environment where employees feel valued and supported.

Let software simplify the rest

Consider using employee engagement software like peopleHum to simplify the process. With peopleHum, you can gather feedback, monitor progress and make adjustments to maintain a positive culture. It centralizes employee data allowing you to create custom journey maps, track touchpoints and collect real-time feedback. This streamlines your efforts, identifies trends and drives continuous improvement in your company culture. By leveraging HR technology, you can boost retention by fostering transparency, collaboration and an employee-centric approach.


Employee mapping is like a roadmap that guides us through the entire journey of our team members within the organization. By carefully charting out each step from recruitment to offboarding, we gain valuable insights into what makes our employees tick, what challenges they face, and what keeps them engaged. This understanding allows us to tailor experiences, provide support where needed, and create opportunities for growth and development. When employees feel seen, heard, and valued at every stage, they're more likely to stick around for the long haul. In essence, employee mapping helps us achieve retention by fostering a culture where our team members feel understood, supported, and motivated to stay and grow with us.

People Also Ask

How do I create an employee journey map?

Creating an employee journey map is like crafting a guidebook for your employees' experiences from start to finish. Here's how to do it:

1. Define the Stages: Identify key stages like recruitment, onboarding, and offboarding.

2. Collect Insights: Gather feedback from employees to understand their experiences.

3. Map Touchpoints: Plot out interactions employees have at each stage.

4. Spot Pain Points: Identify areas for improvement in the employee experience.

5. Take Action: Address issues and make improvements to create a better workplace.

What is the difference between employee journey and employee experience?

The employee journey focuses on specific stages like recruitment and offboarding, while the employee experience covers the entirety of an employee's time with the company. Both are important for creating a positive workplace where employees feel valued and motivated.

What is the employee mapping process?

The employee mapping process involves outlining the stages of the employee experience, gathering feedback, mapping interactions, identifying pain points, and making improvements to create a better workplace. Through this process, you gain insights into employees' perspectives and create a workplace where everyone feels valued and motivated.

What are the 7 stages of the employee life cycle?

The seven stages of the employee life cycle typically include:

1. Recruitment and hiring: This stage involves sourcing, attracting, and selecting candidates for employment.

2. Onboarding: Once hired, employees undergo orientation and training to acclimate to their new roles and the organization.

3. Performance management: Employees receive ongoing feedback, coaching, and evaluations to track their progress and performance.

4. Development and training: Organizations provide opportunities for employees to enhance their skills and capabilities through training and development programs.

5. Career growth: Employees are supported in advancing their careers within the organization through promotions, lateral moves, or specialized assignments.

6. Retention and engagement: Organizations focus on retaining top talent by fostering a positive work environment, recognizing achievements, and addressing concerns.

7. Transition or offboarding: When employees leave the organization, whether due to retirement, resignation, or termination, they undergo an offboarding process to ensure a smooth transition and maintain positive relationships.

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